Current Environment:


On the 2nd and 4th Fridays of each month, we are open 8:30 a.m. to noon and 1 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.

Call us first!

Please call 781-662-4560 whenever you are unsure what to do for your child. Call us first, unless it is truly an emergency that cannot wait 15 minutes; in that situation call 911.

Many families use the emergency room or urgent care centers after office hours for medical care. We would like patients and families to be aware that Dr. Feldman is on call most days and nights to answer questions and to guide families when they have accidental injuries, sudden onset of illness, or encounter new situations about which the family needs advice. At night or weekends, there is always a pediatrician on call to answer questions and to discuss any problems which are occurring. For some problems we will recommend the ER, but for others will suggest home remedies; some will require an office visit the next day, and other patients may need orders sent to the hospital or a prescription sent to a pharmacy. We can determine this only when we have a conversation. We can help to guide you in the right direction, saving you time and sometimes money and often hassles.

Welcome to the pediatric practice of Dr. Jeffrey Feldman

We focus on healthy habits and the prevention of medical problems to help children grow and develop. As a solo pediatrician, Dr. Feldman is able to provide individualized and comprehensive care. He performs all office visits, is involved in all discussions, and diagnoses, treats and manages any concerns which arise. Over time he builds relationships with patients and families, making it possible to provide exceptional care and give them personalized advice. Dr. Feldman uses evidence-based care and follows the guidelines and recommendations provided by the American Academy of Pediatrics.

If you are new to our practice, we invite you to get to know us better. We will be dedicated to help you take care of your children. We look forward to having you join us.

FAQ: Choosing your child's pediatrician

Why do I need a doctor for my baby before he/she is born?
When should I select a doctor for my baby?
What kind of doctors care for babies?
How do I find a pediatrician or family practitioner?
How do I know the pediatrician or family practitioner is a good doctor?
Are there other things to consider when I select a doctor?

Dr. Jeffrey S. Feldman | Contact Us

Monday - Tuesday

8:30 AM - 5:00 PM


8:30 AM - 12:00 PM

Thursday - Friday

8:30 AM - 5:00 PM